The Port of Virginia’s GO-Zero application is currently CLOSED.
All interested participants are encouraged to reach out to Ed Mihalski at emihalski@ecologixgroup.com
or Gregory Brennan at gbrennan@vacleancities.org
As a reminder, the GO-Zero program provides funds to purchase zero-emission (ZEV) and near zero- emission (NZEV) drayage trucks. A link to the GO-Zero application can be found here.
The Port of Virginia GO-Zero Program offers an incentive of up to $200,000 for each ZEV truck purchased and up to $100,000 for each NZEV truck purchased. There is no scrappage requirement under the GO-Zero Program however, an additional incentive of $25,000 will be available for participants who agree to scrap an older diesel-powered drayage truck.
Interested participants are requested to complete this application form. The application period will be open from July 10, 2024 through September 10, 2024. After the application period has ended, an evaluation will be conducted to select awardees, with awards announced in the fall of 2024. Please note that the new equipment must only be purchased after an award has been made AND only when instructed to do so by the GO-Zero project manager, EcoLogix Group. Any equipment purchases made prior to receiving an award are not eligible.
Eligible Applicants
- Independent Owner Operators as well as Fleet Owners may apply.
Eligible Trucks for Purchase
- Zero-emission (ZEV) – a vehicle that does not emit exhaust gas or other pollutants from the onboard source of power. Examples of ZEVs include battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles.
- Near Zero-emission (NZEV) – a vehicle that uses zero emission technologies, uses technologies that provide a pathway to zero emission operations, or incorporates other technologies that significantly reduce vehicle emissions. Examples of NZEVs include trucks with an engine that is powered by Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), or Liquid Natural Gas (LNG).
General Requirements for Applications
- The GO-Zero Program will allow interested participants to request multiple truck incentives per company. Please type or print legibly all items except the signature in Section V.
- Printed applications must be in black or blue ink.
- If space for additional information is needed, attach additional sheets of paper. Write the owner’s name on each additional sheet and attach to the application.
Specific Requirements for Applications
- Equipment – Identify the type of ZEV or NZEV truck that will be purchased, what type of charging/fueling station will be used, and the number of trucks being requested for award consideration.
- Infrastructure Requirements – As public charging/fueling options are limited in the near term; applicants will likely need to install charging/fueling stations within their facility location. As such, Applicants will need to evaluate the feasibility of such installations. For electric charging stations, coordination with the local utility will be needed to assess what site improvements may be needed to supply sufficient power to the charging stations.
- Project Timeline – Advise the expected project implementation date.
- Narrative section – Applicants should briefly describe how the project contributes towards the Port of Virginia’s long-term decarbonization goals, and cargo owner commitments to reduce supply chain emissions, benefits to disadvantaged or low-income communities, and how new investment would spur additional cargo volumes through Port of Virginia facilities.
- Service Commitment – For an award made under this program, the awardee agrees to use the new ZEV or NZEV truck to continue to service Port of Virginia facilities for two-years after the new truck has been purchased and must make at least 100 port visits/year for each of those years.
- The penalty for noncompliance: Depending on the circumstances, this could constitute an event of default. If an applicant fails to meet the 100-trip requirement in the first 12 months, 100 percent of the grant incentive shall be refunded by the applicant. If an applicant fails to meet the 100-trip requirement in the second 12 months, 50 percent of the grant incentive shall be refunded by the applicant. If an applicant fails to meet the trip requirement due to a reasonable extenuating circumstance, the requirement may be waived for the year the infraction occurs at the sole discretion of the Virginia Port Authority.
- Data Sharing – After an award has been made, program participants agree to share general data related to operation/maintenance costs and performance metrics of the trucks and charging/fueling stations. Some examples include; how long it takes to charge/fuel the trucks, what time during the day does charging/fueling generally take place, utilization percentage and maintenance intervals for the charging station, charging/fueling costs, number of trips made at POV facilities, and range of the trucks.
Other Information
- Grant Stacking – Other grant funding opportunities may be available, especially for charging/fueling station installation. Grant funding outside of GO-Zero will be allowed.
- Dealerships – A list of local truck dealerships that sell ZEV and NZEV will be made available.
- Hotline – Phone number is (804) 482-1790 for any questions. Email inquiries can also be directed to Ed Mihalski at emihalski@ecologixgroup.com
To submit a GO-Zero application:
- Fill out application in PDF editor and email to Ed Mihalski at emihalski@ecologixgroup.com
- Print, fill out, and scan or take an image of the completed application, then email to emihalski@ecologixgroup.com
- Print, fill out, and send to:
VA Green Operator Program
c/o Ed Mihalski, EcoLogix Group
PO Box 4
Kensington, MD 20895
Please address questions to the truck hotline at 804-482-1790
Investing in Public Funds and Maintaining Public Trust
Intentional falsification of information provided by an applicant with the specific intent to avoid meeting any aspect of the program’s requirements may lead to the individual being prosecuted to the extent allowed under law and may be used as an adverse factor in regards to future applications for rebate awards.
The Virginia Port Authority is committed to the integrity of the program and encourages reporting of any known concerns involving any aspect of the program especially related to suspected fraudulent activity. Visit https://www.oig.dot.gov/hotline for more information on suspected fraud.