Green Operator


The VPA Green Operator program is currently fully subscribed. All interested dray truck owners are being placed on a waitlist. If you wish to be placed on the waitlist or have questions about the program, please reach out to Ed Mihalski at

Eligible Applicants

  • Independent Owner Operators as well as Fleet Owners may apply.

Trucks Eligible To be Replaced

  • Provides drayage service to The Port of Virginia facilities.

  • Must be operable.

  • A truck with an engine model year of 2009 or older, Class 8 vehicles with a GVWR of 33,000 pounds or more.

    • If the new truck has an Engine Model Year of 2017 or newer, the
      maximum rebate amount is $35,000/truck.

    • If the newer truck has an EMY of 2014, 2015, or 2016, the maximum rebate amount remains $30,000/truck.

  • A truck with an Engine Model Year of 2010 or newer is eligible to be replaced if the new truck has an Engine Model Year of 2021 or newer.

  • Owned by the applicant for at least two years, verified by date on the title.

  • The program requires that the truck to be replaced be operated at least 7,000 miles for each of the two prior years to be accepted.

  • Operable on the date that it is authorized for scrappage.

  • Have current vehicle registration and proof of valid insurance coverage. Must be free of any liens.

  • The truck must be able to drive forward and backward at least 25 feet. Please click HERE for a sample operational video and engine photo requirements.

  • For trucks that have serviced Port of Virginia facilities in the past, but may currently be idle, due to unforeseen circumstances; e.g. loss of dedicated driver, freight volume decline, etc., considerations for acceptance into the program may be given based on previous history of servicing Port of Virginia Applicant must still agree to use the new truck to continue to service Port of Virginia facilities for two-years following the purchase date, and must make at least 100 port visits/year for each of those years.

General Requirements for Applications

  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Please reference the checklist below.
  • Type or print legibly all items except the signature in Section IV.
  • Printed applications must be in black or blue ink.
  • If you need space for additional information, attach additional sheets of paper. Write the owner’s name on each additional sheet and attach it to the application.
  • Lease-to-Own Funding arrangements are not eligible for program funding.  The replacement truck must be purchased in whole or through a traditional funding loan.  Staff will confirm funding plans with accepted applicants.

With video capabilities on smart phones, tablets, and other devices, we feel this will not place an unnecessary burden on the applicants and will further strengthen equipment verification. If this does present a challenge, please contact the program administration staff to discuss options, which may include scheduling a site visit that may add to the application processing time.

Green Operator Application Check List

  1. _____ Provide a signed and completed application to the Green Operator Program.
  2. _____ Provide a copy of a valid TWIC card (front and back).
  3. _____ Provide a copy of the Department of Motor Vehicles title AND a valid registration for the vehicle(s) to be replaced.
  4. _____ Provide proof of valid insurance for the truck to be replaced.
  5. _____ Provide photographs of truck to be replaced with license plate clearly visible.
  6. _____ Provide a video showing the truck is operable and a photo of the engine tag/serial number. Click HERE for Video and Photo Directions.
  7. _____ Provide letter of preapproval for financing.

Green Operator Check List
(after application is approved)

  1. _____ Provide the engine family number to program staff BEFORE you purchase the new truck or scrap the old truck. Staff will confirm the proposed new truck meets program requirements and then authorize the purchase of the new truck and scrappage of the old truck.
  2. ______Confirm if the truck will be scrapped at a commercial scrap yard or you intend to self-scrap. If self scrapping, the scrappage process must be witnessed by program staff.
  3. _____ Once you have been authorized by EcoLogix to scrap your vehicle, provide photos of the truck immediately prior to and after scrappage, along with proper documentation from the commercial scrap yard. If the applicant prefers to self-scrap, the scrappage must be witnessed by program staff and the owner must provide a copy of a salvage title along with the scrappage photos.
  4. ______Once the new truck has been purchased please provide the registration, title and invoice (Bill of Sale) for the new truck.

Service Requirement (Post-Award)

The Green Operator Program requires participants that receive a rebate for the purchase of a new truck, to continue to service Port of Virginia facilities for two-years after the new truck has been purchased, and must make at least 100 port visits/year for each of those years.

The penalty for noncompliance:

Depending on the circumstances, this could constitute an event of default. If an applicant fails to meet the 100-triprequirement in the first 12 months, 100 percent of the grant incentive would need to be refunded. If an applicant fails to meet the 100-trip requirement in the second 12 months, 50 percent of the grant incentive would need to be refunded. If an applicant fails to meet the trip requirement due to a reasonable extenuating circumstance, the requirement could be waived for the year the infraction occurs.


Application Options

Virginia Green Operator Application (PDF)

Online Application for Replacements

Print, fill in and send to:

VA Green Operator Program
c/o Ed Mihalski, EcoLogix Group
PO Box 4
Kensington, MD 20895


Please address questions to Gregory Brennan at the truck hotline: 804-482-1790 – or our contact form.

Investing in Public Funds and Maintaining Public Trust

Intentional falsification of information provided by an applicant with the specific intent to avoid meeting any aspect of the program’s requirements may lead to the individual being prosecuted to the extent allowed under law and may be used as an adverse factor in regards to future applications for rebate awards.

The Virginia Port Authority is committed to the integrity of the program and encourages reporting of any known concerns involving any aspect of the program especially related to suspected fraudulent activity. Visit  for more information on suspected fraud.