VA Green Operator Video & Photo Process (PDF)
With video capabilities on smart phones, tablets and other devices, we feel this will not place an unnecessary burden on the applicants and will further strengthen equipment verification. If this does present a challenge, please contact the program administration staff to discuss options, which may include scheduling a site visit that may add to the application processing time.
All applicants must provide a short video showing the following, all in one take (meaning it must be one continuous video).
- Truck drives forward approximately 25 feet and in reverse 25 feet
- A shot showing the inside VIN plate of the cab or the VIN in the frame
- The video must include a date/timestamp or other evidence of the date of production.
In addition, the applicant must submit the following:
- Still photo of the engine tag or imprinted engine serial number.
Please email the video and photo to If you prefer to send the video and photo by text, please send the video and photo along with your name to (240) 205-5368.
If you have trouble with the file size of your video. you can upload it to our Vimeo site at the following address. For login information, contact Ed Mihalski at (240) 205-5368.
Sample Video – For an example of the video please click HERE. NOTE: Please only send a still photo of the engine tag and do not take a video of the engine tag with the engine running.
Sample Engine Tag/Serial Photo Below –